Three for Me Skin Rejuvenation is the proven way to get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage and unsightly veins, all at the same time.

What is Three for Me Skin Rejuvenation?

The Cynosure Icon laser’s ThreeForMe treatment is the proven way to get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage and unsightly veins, all at the same time. It gets it’s name from the fact that the treatment occurs in three different steps to address your skin concerns. 

The first uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) and the Cynosure Icon Max G system to reduce pigmentation. IPL uses very fast pulses of light to damage melanin or blood cells in the skin, after which the body can shed them as waste. After IPL treatment, the Cynosure 1540XD fractional laser performs non-ablative laser resurfacing to stimulate collagen and elastin production through heat, naturally tightening and lifting the skin over time. The third step uses the 1540 XF laser, which performs the final touches on lightening and brightening the skin, as well as improving the skin’s tone and texture. This process requires minimal downtime and saves time you would otherwise spend on three separate sessions.

Is the Three for Me treatment right for me?

Three for Me laser treatment is safe for most skin types. However, it’s always best to consult with our estheticians first to make sure that you don’t have any active skin conditions that need to be addressed first, or in some cases that you don’t need additional – pre-treatment prep like antibiotics or hydroquinone for darker skin types.